The great Akshay Kumar is currently shooting in Mumbai for his upcoming movie Padman. Directed by R Balki and produced by Twinkle Khanna’s production house ‘Mrs. Funnybones Movies’, PadMan is based on a real-life story of a social entrepreneur, Arunachalam Muruganantham, who took it up to himself to provide low-cost sanitary napkins to women from poor economic states across rural India.
The film also stars Sonam Kapoor and Radika Apte in important roles, while Amitabh Bachchan will be seen doing a cameo in the movie.
We have a special treat you can catch a glimpse of the superstar himself along with his co-star, Sonam Kapoor on set. These pictures have been shared by PC Sreeram who is the cinematographer for this movie.
At the recently concluded 64th National Film Awards, Akshay Kumar was conferred the Best Actor Award for his captivating role as Naval Commander Rustom Pavri in the 2016 crime thriller Rustom. Inspired by the 1959 Nanavati case, this Akshay Kumar starrer was a critically acclaimed and equally successful film.
After delivering a high profile roster of successful films in 2016 with Airlift to Rustom, and kick-starting 2017 with a bang with Jolly LL.B 2, one can safely say that Akshay Kumar is the most bankable star in India, winning both critical and audience acclaim.
2017 also sees Akshay Kumar in a series of standout films including Toilet – Ek Prem Katha, Padman, and mega budget sci-fi film 2.0 with Rajnikanth.