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Oh Ram Gopal Verma, what will we do with you? I literally had to be forced into the cinema to watch this one and more than anyone I was scared! Not because the premise of RGV’s latest giving Agyaat promised – much like his recent films, to scare the living daylights out of me, but more because I was frightened as to how on earth I would get through the film. And then we have the renamed Nisha-Priyanka Kothari, whichever or whatever, who once again has donned the bikini to “help” the film. Along with her a few other unknown actors who poor things, probably thought they would learn a few odd things from the previously-ace director-producer. Set in a jungle – perhaps the same one used from his previous Jungle film, remember the Urmila-Fardeen starrer, the film is said to have hints of the Predator and The Blair Witch Project all thrown in with a few sexy songs only to give you Agyaat. Oh I am so scared – please sense the sarcasm. All right so maybe he deserves one more chance to prove himself; the benefit of the doubt even? Fine. Without much further ado, I give you Agyaat,

A film crew wanders into a remote jungle ready to roll camera when they their camera mysteriously breaks down and causes the troop to indulge in a much needed adventure. There is the bikini-wearing heroine Aasha (Priyanka-Nisha Kothari), the hero Sharman (Gautam Rode) along with a consisting of the producer, director, action director – pretty much the usual entourage. As they wait for the camera supplies to arrive, they stumble upon a dead body, which eventually leads to the death of a few other members. Soon they are lost in a jungle, which is haunted by the unknown.

Okay, so it wasn’t that bad. It’s not Ram Gopal Verma’s best, nor is it his worst. It doesn’t really scare but doesn’t make you yawn either. On the whole, a mediocre job on his front BUT it is watchable… for the most part. However, the film ultimately makes no sense. Technically, the film is well-made but not compared to the likes of Phoonkor Bhootwhich are definitely his best in the horror genre. One by one the characters die off leaving the camera focused on leaves and wind. This all of course, keeping in mind that RGV went along with the idea that what is unseen is far scarier – or more boring. Are you scared? No.

Moving on, the performances. I wish I could stop here but alas I must go on. Priyanka-Nisha Kothari, (is the girl going through an identity crisis?) is average as usual. Her bikini act is so been-there-done-that. Perhaps she should consider the opposite, a cladded-sari role. That may actually help her dying career. The supporting actors provide a tad bit of solace to the film but for the most part everyone looks lost in the film and the jungle. However, the jungle – who has been personified into a character in the film does an outstanding job. One wonders if it is a director’s actor or not.

And if you aren’t more turned off, don’t hold your breath. There is more. For some reason, there is this terribly screeching background score that is meant to add a scarier feel to the scenes but ultimately annoy you. The item number is average.

If you really are in the mood for a scary flick, get anything else but this. I really do want to email RGV and check up on him. What is going on with him? I cannot believe a director of his caliber could dish out such nonsense. Is the same RGV who is behind greats like Company, Satya and Bhoot? Where did he go? Will the real Ram Gopal Varma please stand up!

As for Agyaat, the scariest part of the film is the last frame which lets you know that a sequel is on the way! Please spare us RGV.

Our Rating

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