For his upcoming ambitious project, Shivaay, star Ajay Devgn has something very creative and unique in store and you don’t want to miss this. The actor and director is going to give an opportunity to all his passionate fans to be a part of Shivaay’s Mahurat by broadcasting the first shot live from the set tomorrow at Landour in Mussoorie at 8am IST!!! Yes, Ajay fans you read that right!
Shivaay is a project which is very close to Ajay Devgn and the actor wants to make sure that his fans don’t miss a glimpse of the grand Mahurat shot so the makers of Shivaay will be live streaming the first day shoot shot from the set with the help of the new app, called Periscope. This cool technology, launched by Twitter, allows the audience to see what is happening live on the set via connecting to their phones and laptop/desktop and also send short messages and heart on the video.
This will be a one of its kind landmark Mahurat event and Shivaay will be the first ever film in Bollywood to broadcast and engage the fans in such a cool way.
Eros International & Ajay Devgn Ffilms’ Shivaay’ will be released worldwide on Diwali 2016. Directed by Ajay Devgn, the film stars Ajay Devgn and introduces Dilip Kumar’s grand-niece Sayesha Saigal.