Akshay Kumar has begun filming for his next project. Directed by Reema Kagti of Talaash fame, the film is titled Gold and is set for release August of 2018.
The film, according to Kagti in an earlier interview is ‘based on a historic hockey match that India played at the 1948 Olympics and brought home India’s first gold medal.’
She said, “Mine would be a fictional take on what actually happened. The game of hockey would feature prominently in the plot. But there will also be a strong human drama playing at the forefront. And it wouldn’t be just the Olympics victory in 1948 we will be looking at. Gold will look at 12 crucial years in India’s history.”
About casting Akshay she says he is the perfect person for the role, “It is a dream casting. I couldn’t have hoped for a better lead actor for my film.”
Akshay tweeted today, “Set out on a brand new journey, aiming for nothing less than #GOLD! Day 1 of Gold, need your love and best wishes as always 🙂
Stay tuned for more!