In Shortcut Romeo, Ameesha Patel will take on Neil Nitin Mukesh. Ameesha, who has always been known for her innocent and cute looks, will play the villain or the anti-hero in the film. Ameesha says she has worked very hard for her role and believes that she is not the heroine but “the hero” of the film. In fact not just Ameesha, even her co-star Neil feels the same.
Talking about Ameesha’s role, Neil says, “Ameesha’s character is very interesting. She is the anti hero in the film. She is the negative lead and she has done complete justice to the role.”
Ameesha agrees and says, “This film has two heroes Neil and me. My role was very challenging and I wouldn’t call myself the heroine of the film.”
Shortcut Romeo is a remake of Susi Ganesh’s super hit Tamil film Thiruttu Payale. Shortcut Romeo will release on 21st June, 2013