Anil Kapoor and his nephew Arjun Kapoor come together for Bollywood’s comedy event of the summer in the upcoming film MUBARAKAN releasing in theaters on July 28. Arjun takes on a double role while Anil reunites with director Anees Bazmee following their past blockbusters Welcome, No Entry, and Welcome Back. The first look of MUBARAKAN has been unveiled in this exciting new poster.
SYNOPSIS: Karan (Arjun) and Charan (Arjun) are identical twin brothers but their personalities are completely diverse. Karan has grown up in London while Charan in Punjab. Karan is street-smart, calculative and flamboyant while Charan is simple, idealistic and honest in his approach! Karan is in love with Sweety (Illeana D’cruz) while Charan is in a relationship with Nafisa (Neha Sharma). Karan’s family fixes Karan’s wedding with Binkle (Athiya Shetty), daughter of one of the wealthiest families in London. He convinces his family to fix the match with Charan instead. The respective families are happy with this development except Charan because he wants to marry Nafisa.
There’s only one man who can save him out of his misery – his uncle Kartar Singh Bajwa (Anil Kapoor). Now eccentric Kartar Singh (Anil Kapoor) makes a plan to save the nephews and keeps coming up with innovative ideas leading to a bundle of confusion and comedy between all the parents and lovers. Mubarakan is a laugh riot directed by Anees Bazmee.