Director Anubhav Sinha will be one of judges at the prestigious Asia Pacific Film Festival. The director has been invited as one of the high profile Jury members at the festival that celebrates the best of Asian film from the world over. Other jury members include Hong Kong actress Carina Lau, French festival selector Christian Jeune, Chinese director Lu Chuan, Indonesian producer Mira Lesmana, Thai director Nonzee Nimibutr and Taiwanese director Su Chao Pin.
Anurag Kashyap’s Gangs of Wasseypur (Part 1 and 2) garnered nominations in four categories including best film and best director.
Details of the event were unveiled this week by multi-talented Eric Tsang, who helped bring the festival to Macau, after earlier plans to hold it in Shanghai were ruined.
The 55th edition of the festival moves to Macau this year, where it is to be held in the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel and the prizes will be presented at a ceremony on the 15th of December.