Arjun Rampal who plays the character of Rudra Pratap Singh, an ex officer of the Indian Armed Forces MARCOS unit and RAW agent in Nikhil Advani’s upcoming movie D-Day went through a thorough make-under for this movie. The actor who’s previously seen donning stylish suits, jackets, jeans and even crisp Kurtas in his previous movies is seen wearing a lungi with a vest in the movie. Dressed in a blue lungi and white vest with a white knitted skull cap Arjun looks like the simple everyday Pakistani man, a far cry from his previous glamorous avatars.
Arjun was also heavily involved in the look of his character. So much so, he decided to change his look in the middle of the shoot to match the transition his character goes through. Nikhil Advani who completely supported his idea knowing it would benefit the film was impressed with the actor’s involvement with the film.
Speaking of Arjun Rampal’s look in the movie Nikhil Advani said, “Arjun is extremely excited about his character in the movie. This is the first undercover spy character he is playing and he wanted his character to look as authentic as possible. In fact the lungi too was an addition made my Arjun himself! I believe Arjun has far exceeded the expectations created post Rock On and Rajneeti.”
D-Day is produced by DAR Motion Pictures and Emmay Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Directed by Nikhil Advani, D-Day stars Rishi Kapoor, Irrfan Khan, Arjun Rampal, Shruti Haasan, Huma Qureshi, Akash Dahiya, Sree Swara and Chandan Roy Sanyal amongst others. The movie is slated to release on the 19th of July.