Directed by Maneesh Sharma and starring Anushka Sharma along with Ranveer Singh in his debut film, Band Baaja Baaraat took the world by storm when it released on December 10th of last year. With rave reviews from fans and critics, chart topping songs and many, many awards the film is a blockbuster hit! And guess what it is still going strong because Band Baaja Baaraat is still playing! The rom-com enters its 14th week in theatres, well on its way to completing 100 days at the box office!
YRF says, “It is really heartening that the film has been re-released in theatres widely with a significant increase in number of shows owing to popular demand. The film has had a dream run and continues to delight and attract audiences all over.”
Bittoo & Shruti’s binness has come a long way!!