Bollywood stars the hunky John Abraham, and the gorgeous Sophie Chowdhary and Sunny Leone visited the Reliance Digital Store in Ahmedabad to promote their upcoming movie Shootout at Wadala. The trio thrilled fans at the event that saw the trailer of the crime drama shown and the stars perform for the huge cheering crowd!
A prequel to the hit Shootout at Lokhandwala (2007), Sanjay Gupta’s Shootout at Wadala is the explosive true story of the war between dreaded gangster Dilawar (Sonu Sood), notorious & charismatic gangster Manya Surve (John Abraham) and Inspector Afaaque Baagraan (Anil Kapoor). Both Sophie Chaudry and Sunny Leone have done hot item numbers in the film, which hits theaters on May 3rd.
Check out these cool shots from the event!
Thanks to Reliance Digital Stores