Catch Priyanka Chopra at Reliance Digital Store Infinity Mall on January 29th!

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Priyanka Chopra In Reliance DigitalPriyanka Chopra fans get ready you can catch a glimpse of your favorite star tomorrow January 29th at Infinity Mall at the Reliance Digital Store. Priyanka will be there in support of her music and her new cool singer avatar. The actress released the international track ‘In My City’ last year and the song is a huge hit going triple platinum. . The song, which features Will. I . Am, has received world wide recognition and also been nominated for a World Music Award as best song.

Priyanka will be at the store to thank her fans for their support of her music and to talk about her journey so far as a singer. Be sure to go meet Priyanka and if you are there let us know!

We will have more from the event tomorrow!

In case you haven’t heard the song, check it out

Thanks to Reliance Digital Stores.

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