“Chance Pe Dance is somewhat based on Shahid’s life” – Ken Ghosh

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For his 3rd outing, director Ken Ghosh (Ishq Vishk, Fida) takes us into the world of dance. Chance Pe Dance follows the journey of Sameer who is trying to make it big as a dancer. At its heart, the film is about taking that ONE chance when life presents it to you. Once again Ken teams up with Shahid Kapoor as his leading man – who better for a dance film? In fact, the story is based somewhat on Shahid’s life. Co-starring the bubbly Genelia D’Souza, the film is scheduled for release on January 15th! I got the ‘chance’ (sorry, could not resist!) to speak with the director and he gave us some insight into what the film was about, how Shahid has grown as an actor, and what he thinks is the USP of the film!

So can you give us some more insight into what the film is all about?

Chance Pe Dance is a story of Sameer, who is played by Shahid. It is about a guy who never says die and will always fight for his dreams. In a way, the story of the film is that sometimes life gives you one chance, tho Chance Pe Dance, which means you have got to grab the chances that life gives you.

You wrote the script for the film as well; what sparked the idea for the story?

Actually, it is somewhat based on Shahid’s life. Everybody, or at least almost everybody, that has reached somewhere has seen some sort of struggle or faced a time were you have got to work really hard. Sometimes things don’t go off very well but if you work hard, than life turns around. Opportunities happen. It started like that. We were looking at making this really feel-good inspirational film. Plus it also has dance in it, so it was the perfect combination for Shahid.

This is your third film with Shahid how do you think has he grown as an actor?

Ooh hugely. I mean, its like working with three different actors. Post Jab We Met, he’s really understood a lot more about himself and acting. I say himself and acting because everybody has a certain style of acting, their way of approaching the craft, but he has honed it and understood what doesn’t work and what does.

So you guys must work really well on set since this is your third film together.

Yeah, yeah. We both sort of think a like, so yes, it helps.

Tell us about Genelia D’Souza’s character.

Her character is that of a choreographer. Our script needed someone who was very vivacious because even her character, in her own way, smiles at all the problems that life throws at her. Genelia has got inherently this very, very, very positive attitude and she is very full of life. This character just suited her perfectly.

How is Genelia and Shahid’s connection on screen?

The combination is FANTASTIC! I have had the opportunity to work with Shahid in some of his best pairings, whether it has been Amrita Rao or Kareena Kapoor, and now with Genelia D’Souza. Genelia is way up there along with any other actress that Shahid has worked with.

You brought in a choreographer from Hollywood. Tell us about that.

Two songs were done by Marty Kedulka who has choreographed for the likes of Justin Timberlake, Madonna… lots of people. We roped him in from LA.

What styles is the dancing in? I read that there was some krumping, what is his choreography like?

There is a small segment of krumping but not only krumping. See the way Marty dances is very, very different from what we are used too. There isn’t too much of the hook step and things like that that we normally have in Bollywood songs. There is some intense body popping; it’s a style, which sort of combines everything: a bit of hip-hop, a bit of body popping, of popping, of break, of krumping. It is a merger of everything.

How did Shahid take to the new styles of choreography?

He is a dancer, so for him it was quite effortless. Once a dancer you are always a dancer, so picking up one new style of steps is quite simple for someone like that.

Adnan Sami composed the music, can you tell us what it is like?

Well, the music is a very fresh sound. In fact, it is quite un-filmi like. I mean there’s house, there’s chants, there’s rock and roll, and some of the songs have a very retro feel to them. It’s a very nice interesting mix of songs that we have got. In fact, though Adnan has done all the rest of the songs, for one song I have done the music along with Sandeep Shirodkar. So, I am also the co-music director for one of the songs.

Did you enjoy making this film?

Oh yes! See, I myself have been a dancer since the beginning of my career so for me it is sort of full circle where it is coming back to dance.

What was the hardest thing about directing this film?

Ahh…the hardest thing about being a director is coming to terms with what your final product is, at least for me, because what I visualize it to be and what if finally turns up to be is two different things completely. See when you are thinking about it you don’t have any lighting problems, camera angle problems, and time problems and stuff like that. You are just visualizing in your mind, and then what happens on screen…sometimes it surprises you, sometimes it is not close to, or as good as, what you thought it would be.

What do you love about being a director?

The whole process of creating, I suppose, is something that I am in love with. The whole process of lighting, then casting, then planning, and then shooting the film. Then editing it, putting background music to it and then finally seeing it. I suppose when people react positively to it, that is the fun and the best part of making a film.

Any memories from shooting the film?

Not anything specific comes to mind right now, but the film was two years in the making, so there were lots of ups and downs, hard decisions we needed to take and fun days and bad days. You know there is Murphy’s Law that anything that can go wrong will, and a lot of things did go wrong and that we rectified it. Finally, now I think when we see the final product, it was all worth it.

What went into your final decision of Chance Pe Dance as the title?

Like I said the film is about how sometimes life gives you just this one chance, or people spend their lifetime for just this one chance to prove themselves or whatever it is, or show people they have got it. Chance Pe Dance means that that if you get a chance, grab it!

What is the unique thing about CPD that will make audiences love it?

I think for the way it has played out. It has got a very real feel to it, it has a very nice texture to it, in terms of there isn’t any over acting, the scenes are very real but they are still funny. The journey of Sameer, Shahid’s character is really the USP and the interesting part of this film.

Having one of the best dancers in the industry in Shahid Kappor and Ken being a former dancer himself, we are sure that Chance Pe Dance is going to be a brilliant dance film. Plus, with the new jodi of Shahid and Genelia and of course Shahid’s eight pack, we know we cannot wait to see it!! Be sure and add Chance Pe Dance to your January “I must see this film” list! Plus we hear the music is releasing Tuesday, December 15th, so be sure to check it out!

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