Chanda Mama Door Ke is India’s first epic space odyssey with a massive cast of Sushant Singh Rajput, R Madhavan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui among others. Produced by Eros International and Viki Rajani, this epic film is directed by National award-winner Sanjay Puran Singh (of Lahore fame).
As we told you earlier, Sushant Singh Rajput, trained at NASA’s Space & Rocket Centre at Alabama, in U.S.A for his role in Chanda Mama Door Ke. The actor, who is known to get under the skin of all his characters, went the extra mile while for the role of an astronaut in the film, by participating in workshops and various training regimes aimed at acquaniting him with the life of an astronaut, in as realistic a manner as possible.
USSRC recently welcomed Sushant Singh Rajput, the first actor from the Indian film industry who had special training at NASA, to step into the shoes of an astronaut on the silver screen. In an official statement released from USSRC, they said, “We would like to welcome Youth Icon and promising Indian Actor, Sushant Singh Rajput for undergoing this training schedule, including the important training regimes such as, ‘Flying a Space Shuttle Simulator’ or ‘Lunar Module/Mars Lander Simulation’, ‘Experiencing Zero G’, ‘1/6’, ‘Wearing a professional Space Suit’, ‘Flying a multi-axis trainer’ and ‘Docking the shuttle to the ISS’. We congratulate him over his decision and applaud the prudent advice of his director to make things more authentic rather than just following basic scripts, concepts and virtual technologies. We wish Sushant all the success for the training and for his film and commend his efforts in the wake of educating people back there in India through the learnings he will take back from here. We hope he will not only use this knowledge for on-screen perfection, but also be socially involved in educating people about the future of it, especially in a nation, which is an emerging powerhouse in Aeronautical Engineering and Space and Research Programmes today; a land that has produced legendary astronauts.”
Says producer Viki Rajani, “We are very honored and privileged to be pioneering the first of its kind film in Bollywood and that Sushant Singh Rajput is the very Indian actor to train at NASA. The director Sanjay Puran Singh Chauhan has worked on the script and the technical detailing for the last 7-8 years. All this together will go a long way in putting together a truly authentic space odyssey”.