Bhoomi directed by Omung Kumar and starring Sanjay Dutt has been on lists of must see movies since it was first announced. Then the released the teaser poster and the excitement ramped up even higher. Fans were intrigued and wanted to see more!
Now we have our first full look of Sanjay Dutt in Bhoomi. The poster which has an intense looking Sanjay almost glaring with eyes full of anger and his hair and face covered with mud has created even more curiosity about the film. Needless to say it wows!
Director Omung Kumar says, “When the teaser poster came, I had said that people will want to know more and more and this poster is testimony to Sanjay’s amazing way of transforming and portraying different characters & intensity.”
Producer Bhushan Kumar adds, “This poster is just a slice of the magic of Sanjay Dutt and the intensity of his role in Bhoomi.”
Producer Sandeep Singh adds, “Bhoomi is vintage Baba. I think his fans have been waiting too long for him and I am quite confident that they won’t be disappointed.”
Bhoomi is an emotional and sensitive revenge drama that explores the relationship between a father and daughter.
Produced by T-Series & Legend Studios, Bhoomi releases worldwide on September 22nd, 2017.