Gulshan Devaiah On Ten Years Of Hunterrr

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One of Indian cinema’s rare and precious sex comedies Hunterrr, produced by Madhu Mantena and Phantom Films is ten years old today. This is a film about a guy who can’t earn the ladies’ respect because all he has to offer is a particular part of his body. The talented Gulshan Devaiah plays Mandar with a delightful absence of inhibition and artifice. Hunterrr is a disarmingly frank sex comedy that knocks off all moral policing and strips the holier-than-thou brigade to the bare essentials. Gulshan speaks on the film’s ten anniversary

What are your memories of this libidinous character?
I had a great time making it, presenting it in the cinemas and receiving appreciation for it till today. It’s my most recognized work, and people keep referring to it everywhere in India I go.

It became a huge retro hit?
Many strangers I meet tell me they have named their friends WhatsApp group Hunterrr after the movie. The film is perhaps a little misunderstood by its marketing. But people who have seen it kind of get what it’s really about.

Why don’t we make mature sex comedies in Indian cinema?
Because the term sex comedy is a taboo. Unfortunately, the recall for such a term is crass and blatantly suggestive jokes and not something that can be nuanced. I don’t know if Hunterrr was a rarity, I’m not sure I can conclude that. But if that’s true, then I guess it’s in a unique position in cinema history, along with Shashi Kapoor’s Utsav, maybe.

The new Netflix series Adolescence addresses the theme of male sexuality. Don’t you think our cinema needs to grow up on sexual themes?
I have not watched Adolescence, but yes, sure, the theme is worth exploring in a manner that’s appealing to the wider audience, too, because it’s a subject relevant to all.

If you were to play Mandar again, what would you change?
If I’d have another go at being Mandar Ponkshe, yes, it’ll be different for sure because much time has passed, and I may have a different take on it now… better or worse, I don’t know.

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