For his look inside the world of Bollywood and the life of a Heroine starring Kareena Kapoor, Madhur Bhandarkar chose master composers Salim-Suliman to give life to the musical backdrop for the drama. We have been hearing great things about the music and have even seen tweets from the director and composers that the music will rock! Today we learned a bit more through Twitter as Madhur, Salim and Sulaiman tweeted about how happy they are with they way the OST is coming together and even some hints about the singers and the tracks!
fabulous singers on the 'heroine' album @shreyaghoshal @SunidhiChauhan5 @shraddhapandit @Benny_Dayal @Sulaiman_M @mbhandarkar268.
— salim merchant (@salim_merchant) May 29, 2012
Four songs recorded for 'heroine' 1 more to go. its a beautiful soulful song. Any guesses who we have in mind?? @mbhandarkar268 @Sulaiman_M
— salim merchant (@salim_merchant) May 29, 2012
Oh yes and the title track for 'heroine' is sung by @ADTsinghsharma
— salim merchant (@salim_merchant) May 29, 2012
Finished recording a kick ass track "Halkat Jawani" sung by @sunidhichauhan5, music by 1 (cont)
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) May 28, 2012
@salim_merchant @Sulaiman_M superb album bro.#heroine.
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) May 29, 2012
Singer Shreya Ghosal also tweeted about a song with a very exciting reply from Suliaman
@shreyaghoshal @salim_merchant @mbhandarkar268 u have added the magic to it shreya. Was hearing it today. Amazing!!!!!
— sulaiman merchant (@Sulaiman) May 29, 2012
Heroine almost complete. Now waiting for release. Phew!!!! @salim_merchant @mbhandarkar268
— sulaiman merchant (@Sulaiman) May 29, 2012
@salim_merchant @mbhandarkar268 definitely one of the bigger albums of this year. Lots of surprises for all the music lovers.
— sulaiman merchant (@Sulaiman) May 29, 2012
So who’s ready to hear it now now now? We know we are! Be sure to stay tuned, we will let you know as soon as we can when you can get your hands on what sounds like a great album!