Hrithik Roshan: “Krrish 3 is convoluted and interesting, exploring many shades of many characters.”

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hrithikkrrish3pc1Today sees the release of the highly anticipated Krrish 3 and from early news this one is going to be a blockbuster both in reviews and in box office. Of course, Hrithik Roshan is back and also joining in the super special effects laden flick are Priyanka Chopra, Kangana Ranaut and the bad guy Vivek Oberoi! Hrithik recently sat down with Ashanti Omkar, the Bollywood and Indian cinema editor for Cineworld cinemas to talk all things Krrish.

Talking about the film with excitement and a huge smile Hrithik explained, “The first part was a very intimate journey about just the people in the family. This time, it’s fully fledged superhero film, with a super villain and his gang of mutants, which is described very beautifully, very ingeniously, with a term called Maanvar, which is maanav (human) and jaanwar (animal) to introduce these mutants to our audience who so far have never experienced characters like that. We have Rhinoman, Antman, Frogman, Cheetahwoman, Scorpionwoman created by the antagonist, Kaal, played by Vivek (Oberoi). It’s all very exciting, and of course Kangna (Ranaut) is playing the chameleon Kaya, so she can change her form and looks. In some ways, this screenplay is what I term as simply convoluted and interesting, exploring many shades of many characters.”

Hrithik is back as the superhero Krrish and the romantic hero Krishna and this time he returns to the original character that began it all Rohit, “If you liked Koi Mil Gaya, the character of Rohit is playing a very important part in this film, as the childlike man is also a father. The vulnerable Rohit… He drives this film and is the most important character in this film, more than even Krishna whose alter ego is Krrish; so essentially, I play 2 and a half parts. He’s the hero of this film. Right from there, by his essence, he just radiates and fills up the frame with all the emotional feelings that one needs to feel while you watch a film. He’s full of love, he’s mentally challenged, but he’s very sweet and giving and he’s one bright ball of brightness. It’s a beautiful character.”

Ashanti called him a “bright ball of brightness…” and he answered, “(smiles) I try to be, I am, most of the time, yes. (chuckles) I choose to be, as long as there are people around me, I am, yes.”

Krrish3_Poster 2_cleanMaking the film was a challenge especially with the state of the art VFX, but he says that is the USP of the film, “We have a lot of new things in a lot of ways and this film has been a challenge from the word go. From considering not making it, to taking it on, and getting up to a point that it’s here. I’m very proud that my Father and I took up this challenge and kept at it.” He added, “The fact that we have taken on a seemingly impossible challenge in every single way, making a film like this in India, with a budget that is equivalent to one action sequence in Spiderman for example, and to see us pull that off is going to be quite a revelation to the world. Maybe the budgets of Hollywood films might just come down, as they might point to us and say that they did that on such meager budgets, we don’t need so much to create our movies. They might just outsource their SFX to India (laughs our loud). If you go by the promos, we’ve pulled it off in less than 2% of the cost of a typical Hollywood superhero film.”

All the actors and director have been on a whirlwind promotional tour and one of the stops for Hrithik and Priyanka was in London at Cineworld Feltham. About that experience Hrithik revealed, “It was incredible, it was amazing, there were these people who gave us such a warm welcome and I even recognised a few faces from the last time I was here. So it was like kind of a reunion from a few of them. Some great reactions and the people are looking very excited. We spoke about the symbol of Krrish and I passed on my idea of Krrish and people really took to it. I was happy with the kind of appreciation and the acknowledgement about the symbol of Krrish. I passed out a lot of the merchandise that we had, on the podium we had at the buzzing cinema foyer.”

He also talked about his sister Sunaina Roshan, who is very much a part of Filmkraft and their productions. “Yes, oh yes (smiles). Oh absolutely, Sunaina, she is just the purest person, just full of love and the way she gives is completely uninhibitedly and she’s completely honest and her criticism and is totally constructive, as that really helps, not just for Krrish but even in my personal life. I always look forward to what her feedback is on a lot of things and yes, she’s like the good luck charm for this film.”

krrish3onst-hrithik02Hrithik has had a very challenging year in terms of injury and of course his recent brain surgery, but the actor looks at all this as a challenge to overcome, “It’s always tough, nothing comes easy. If something has to be of a certain worth, it better be tough, because if it’s easy, it’s not going to end up being of any worth at all. Yes it was though but the tougher the better. I look forward to challenges and I enjoy them and I think that’s the only way to feel that you’ve accomplished something. Accomplishing leads to being happy, so if you want to be happy, look forward to your challenges and difficulties and overcome them, with the right perspective and attitude, as you can surpass and overcome anything in life.”

Going on to talk about dealing with pain, he answered philosophically, “The pain is inevitable, we’re all going to experience pain, but the suffering is a choice. You can choose to suffer or not. But pain is going to be a friend of yours throughout your life. I don’t say that in a dark way, as it is a catalyst that helps you grows and create. All the best creations in the world have come about from some kind of a personal experience that one has vented about. Pain is not a bad thing, it is a good thing and it eventually becomes the wind beneath your wings.”

So will we see more of Krrish? “It’s just begun! This is just the birth of the superhero. At the end of this film, people will say that Krrish this guy, can be a real superhero.”

Krrish 3 is in theaters now!

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