Imran Khan and Rohan Sippy hit the waves with Pirate Radio

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It all started with a tweet by Imran Khan saying he listened to Miss Malini’s radio show on 94.3 Radio One in Mumbai. Malini then tweeted Imran with an invite to come be on her show and spin whatever song he liked… he said yes and thus Pirate Radio was born. Malini told BollySpice, “Pirate Radio was entirely Imran Khan’s idea, I was just really excited to get him on the show and his only condition was that we call it that! So thank you Imran, you’re a rockstar! I was blown away with his selection of music and just what a nice, clever funny guy he is.” You can read our report about this first show here!

That first show was a huge hit with listeners and it seems that Pirate Radio is not going to hit the waves just once…the air waves that is. Listeners were treated to an encore with Imran Khan and this time he brought along friend and t-shirt designer Rish Oberoi, owner of Paani Puri clothing. Besides talking about the new cool t-shirt line, the three had a fabulous time playing some amazing music, and before each song, the boys told stories of why that song was so special to them. Also in between the songs, there was lots of laughter and jokes, a photo break, contests with the winners receiving Imran signed Paani Puri t-shirts, some really funny moments like Imran imitating a parrot and saying he should get one, and the “technical difficulties” when avoiding questions like why Avantika has that certain nickname. Speaking of Imran’s love, it was the engaged couple’s 7th anniversary and he played a special song, Counting Crows’ ‘Mrs Potter’s Lullaby’, just for her, adding that that song probably was on the mix tape he made for her seven years ago. Imran also talked a very wee bit about his new film and though he could not even reveal the name of his character, he did let listeners know that I Hate Love Stories…is a love story and that it starts filming on the 25th.

Now, Pirate Radio is sailing (sorry could not resist that one either) further into the Bollywood sea by having other celebrities come and give up their playlists. Director Rohan Sippy was the next to join Malini at the mic. The power or is it the magic of twitter was again at work because it was also a twitter invite that got the director to come on the show to play some of his fav tunes. About his choices for his playlist he said, “I am going to play you some of my favorite music, music that makes me feel good, music that makes me wanna dance even though I am the worst dancer in the world. And yeah just music that sticks to you like…flies to flypaper.” About Rohan’s appearance Malini said, “It was super exciting to get Rohan Sippy on next and discover another side of him too, his knowledge of music and International movies is phenomenal.”

I asked Malini what has surprised her and she said, “I guess I’ve discovered that we get so caught up with the whole Bollywood thing that we forget these are real people who deal with all the same emotional ups and downs we do. The thing about music is that everyone identifies with it and feels passionately about the songs they love so the time goes by so fast and fabulously that you just want to do it all over again! I’m so excited this is taking off and I look forward to my show even more than I used to.”

As for who might be coming up next, Malini let us in on this little hope, “Rohan Sippy tells me Priyanka Chopra is quite a music buff and will ask her if she’ll come on air for Pirate Radio so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that she might agree to do it, that would be awesome, right?!” Awesome is right and we will cross our fingers and toes as well! A little tweeting bird also said that Ranvir Shorey is going to be on sometime soon as well! We know we are going to tune in for all her upcoming shows and you should too!

To see the playlist of Imran Pirate Radio 2.0 plus video and hear the audio, as well as what Rohan Sippy had on his playlist and more be sure to check out her blog and youtube channel: missmalinivideos, plus get updates by following her on twitter @missmalini. To learn more about the wicked cool Paani Puri t-shirts you can follow @paani_puri on twitter or join the Facebook group Paani Puri Clothing.

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