Join the ‘rockstar’ of Bollywood, Ranbir Kapoor, for a special edition of BBC Asian Network’s In Conversation With… series at the prestigious BBC Radio Theatre on Friday 20 September. The actor is going to sit down with the Bollywonderful boys Raj and Pablo to talk all kinds of Filmi things!
Hailing from one of Bollywood’s most celebrated families, Ranbir’s built on the Kapoor legacy has taken Bollywood by storm with huge box office hits including Wake Up Sid, Barfi and Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani.
Critically acclaimed, The Besharam boy has bagged five Filmfare Awards, four of them for Best Actor.
Raj and Pablo take Ranbir through his story so far, from playing the love-struck Romeo in his 2007 debut Saawariya to becoming one of the most popular actors of his generation.
The boys told us exclusively, “We are so excited to host RAJ&PABLO in Conversation with RANBIR KAPOOR” at the historic BBC RADIO THEATRE for the BBC ASIAN NETWORK. We have knwon Ranbir since his debut at SAWARIYA and seen him grow form strength to strength. He is a good friend – fun and focussed and carrying the legacy of the Kapoor Khandan. Expect some rare insights and a complete interaction with the fans.”
Due to the popularity of Ranbir Kapoor BBC is operating a random draw for tickets. Go to for more info!
You can register for tickets at any time until Tuesday 17 September at 10am. You can apply for a maximum of two tickets for the event at BBC Radio Theatre on September 20th at 3.45pm!
See you there and good lucl!