On August 6th, a lavish Iftaar Party was held to promote Once Upon a Time In Mumbai Dobaara along with the cast including Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan and Sonakshi Sinha, Producer Ekta Kapoor and director Milan Lutria, many a Bollywood star came to the grand event.
About the party, Ekta said earlier, “I’m a religious individual. The good fortune that has come my way has always encouraged me to pray before the release of my films. For Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaara, which is among the biggest releases of the year, during Ramadan, we will offer devotees Iftaar. This is my way of seeking blessings.”
Be sure also to check out who we thought was HOT and who was SO NOT in our special feature here
Once Upon A Time in Mumbaai Dobaara hits theaters on August 15th!