Joint Statement from Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Publicist and Seven Hills Hospital Exclusive!

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Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Publicist and Dr. Pai, Head of Radiology and Vice President, Seven Hills Hospital have released a joint statement refuting a story about the actress and the upcoming birth of her first child. We have it exclusively for you.

The statement:
This is in regard to the article published by Mumbai Mirror dated 2nd November 2011 titled “Bachchan’s pick Marol hospital for New B”. Let me remind you that this is the same publication who actually had the gall of printing an article earlier titled “Pregnant Pause”, which stated that Mrs. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was incapable of conceiving due to some ailment and now they have turned around and yet again insinuated that there is a possibility that she has pre-decided the date of her delivery!!

Point 1 From The Article: “Says source, ‘There is a possibility of Aishwarya going in for a C Section delivery 11.11.11’.”

Spokesperson Quote: “Yet again ridiculously insinuating such an esteemed and respected family would actually turn nature’s course for such blind sensationalized beliefs. There is a limit to time and again attributing such regressive remarks like marrying her off to a tree or actually planning delivering her baby just for the sake of a sensational journalism. How can journalism allow for such irresponsible reporting with regards to such intimate and personal decisions in a lady’s life. Excitement and curiosity aside how can we allow for this to go on and on – this is disgusting….as a woman as I am sitting on the 3rd of November and if by the will of God and nature’s turn, she does end up delivering on the date mentioned, will this fictitious bit of article remain with her for the rest of her life and as an international public icon, is this what she will be tagged with for the rest of the life. This is not what she needs to go through at this happy moment in her life.”

Point 2 From The Article: “’Every time Aishwarya makes a trip to the hospital extra precaution is taken to safeguard her privacy’, says a source. The sonography section is barricaded and curtains drawn to keep away other curious patients revealed our source.”

Spokesperson Quote: “This is the most ridiculous remark from a fictitious source – when have women been on a stage when sonographies are done in any hospital and on any woman.”

Point 3 From The Article: “Well placed sources at the hospital revealed that the gynecologist especially comes for Aishwarya’s appointment at 7.30 am usually before other patients start trickling in.”

Spokesperson Quote: “This is totally false and baseless.”

Point 4 From The Article: “‘However we cannot ever predict a baby’s arrival, so we have booked the room from the 10th to the 15th’, added the source.”

Spokesperson Quote: “Who is this source to have booked a room on the first place ????”

Commenting on this article, Dr. Pai, Head of Radiology and Vice President, Seven Hills Hospital says, “The report published in a daily tabloid in regards to Mrs. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s delivery at Seven Hills has taken me by surprise. The information and details are a figment of someone’s imagination. 7.30 am appointments and a C SECTION for the 11th as declared in the news piece have no resemblance to the truth and such stories only put the medical fraternity in bad light. It may be added that a sonography is a personal procedure and is not performed in open wards hence it would not be different for any patient; each is entitled to their privacy. Twisted details mislead the people of this country to believe and follow what a writer may see has good masala newsprint.”

Adds Aishwarya’s publicist, “It is unfortunate that such false and fabricated news is being created to influence minds. Such articles as the lead in a daily go against the basic responsibility of print reporting and show case misinformation that could effect the huge following into believing that such wonderful moments of ones lives as a gift of life are open to personal preferences. As a lady I would feel that we should provide a more responsible attitude to such misinformed articles.”

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