Bollywood’s most promising newcomer, Kangana Ranaut, is going to be paired with Bobby Deol once again even after their last film, Shakalaka Boom Boom, failed to create any ‘boom’ at the box office.
Kangana recently told the media that she felt very comfortable working with Bobby ont he sets of SLBB. She added that he has no starry airs and was “sober and dignified in contrast to some of the show off’s around.”
She has reportedly signed Samir Karnik’s next, titled Roshni, accross Bobby Deol. It is said that these roles are quite intense and performance-oriented.
Karnik can best be remembered for his disastrous debut venture, Kyun! Ho Gaya Na, starring Aishwarya Rai and Vivek Oberoi.
However, for the time being, Kangana is looking forward to the relase of Anurag Basu’s Life in a…Metro releasing this May 11th.
Let’s hope Roshni isn’t a repeat of the Shakalaka Boom Boom debacle!