On the 25th of July, fans of Kareena Kapoor got a Twitter treat when the actress came online and answered questions about her upcoming film Satyagraha. Directed by Prakash Jha, the film, set to release August 30th, stars along with Kareena, Amitabh Bachchan, Ajay Devgn, Arjun Rampal, Manoj Bajpayee and Amrita Rao. Check out some of the answers and some of the pictures she tweeted during the cool twitter event!
Every role is equally tough! Ekk Main Aur Ekk Tu was one of my most fun ones! And #Satyagraha was super challenging! #Kareena
Working with @SrBachchan is always incredible. He is truly a living legend! #Satyagraha #Kareena
I had fun playing a journo in #Satyagraha so now maybe I can consider it as a 2nd choice for a career! 🙂 #Kareena
I love being an actor the most! #Kareena
And for everyone asking me my favourite place in Mumbai… It’s my home! 🙂 #Satyagraha #Kareena
My fav song from #Satyagraha is the song Raske Bhare Tore Naina – It’s a beautiful love song
I don’t know if I’ll join Twitter! But I’m feeling blessed with everyone’s love! #Satyagraha #Kareena
#Satyagraha is a really powerful film. Lots of drama, lots of action. Watch it! #Kareena
#Satyagraha is a powerful film. About hope. And about the future of young India. Make sure you all watch it!
Am struggling to keep up with your tweets! Loads of fun! #satyagraha #Kareena pic.twitter.com/dbiQhRvdBG
— UTV Motion Pictures (@utvfilms) July 25, 2013
I'm having so much fun answering your tweets! You guys are the best! 🙂 #Kareena #satyagraha pic.twitter.com/Q8ryl50zDr
— UTV Motion Pictures (@utvfilms) July 25, 2013
Thanks all! I had a blast! For #Satyagraha updates follow @utvfilms and watch the film on 30th! #Kareena pic.twitter.com/GbQaerSUCU
— UTV Motion Pictures (@utvfilms) July 25, 2013