Yami Gautam, who is shooting in Kashmir for her upcoming film Junooniyat with Pulkit Samrat, spent quality time with local kids who were gathered to watch the shoot. On this Yami says, “They love movies. But since there aren’t any cinema halls in the valley, they can only watch them on tv.” Talking about the difficulties of shooting in Kashmir, the gorgeous actress says, “The local’s have been very co-operative, they were no disruption. The locals only want peace. Is that so difficult to offer?”
he first schedule of Junooniyat has been filmed in Kashmir, as Vivek Agnihotri wanted to capture the beautiful season of autumn in the valley. Junooniyat is one of the first films to be shot in Kashmir after the floods and in the middle of on going elections.
Junooniyat is a love story, directed by Vivek Agnihotri, and produced by Bhushan Kumar under the banner of T-series.