Mani Ratnam’s latest venture, Raavan (starring Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan) had its music launch at Yash Raj Studios in Mumbai over the weekend. This was an historical event as it was the first major Bollywood release that had a live webcast from enabling people across the world to watch.
Aishwarya graced the stage in a cream sari as she introduced the various acts and song promotions. The film will be released in both Hindi and Tamil simultaneously and the actress admits that this has been the most challenging role of her career as she spoke of the sometimes difficult conditions in which they had to film certain scenes.
Giving the audience a sneak peek into the production process, she shared the director’s favourite piece of advice to his cast: “Keep it real” which is exactly what the stars did with their respective roles.
South Indian actor, Vikram joined Aishwarya on stage and said a few words before the audience was enthralled by Raavan himself (Abhishek) performing ‘Thok de Gilli’.
Welcoming the musical team of the production on stage, Aishwarya hailed AR Rahman as a “genius” and Gulzar, who penned the lyrics called him a “magician of music”. The audience was in for a treat when the Oscar winner performed a song sending chills up everyone’s spine as he tends to do with his melodies.
Before calling the entire Raavan team to join her, Aishwarya gave credit to everyone in the film unit saying, “10 heads. 100 ideas. 1000 hands…to make this one film for you.”
Raavan will be released on June 18.