Mad About Dance Music Review

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14jul_madmusicWritten, directed by and starring Saahil Prem, Mad About Dance is, as the title suggests, all about dance. But this one has a twist because it features dance styles like Krumping, Popping n Locking, and B-Boying. Set to hit on August 22nd, the film tells the tale of an Indian boy who’s passionate about dancing and lands in Sheffield, England for further studies. There, he meets and bonds with a London girl, played by the beautiful Amrit Maghera. What happens next and how the dance battle comes about and turns out you have to wait! For a dance movie, especially one with those cool styles you would expect killer beats, so did they deliver? Find out!

Ishq Da Bukhar, composed by Vidyadhar Bhave, starts off with a lovely piano line and you hope you are in for something great. The soulful vocal by Krishna Beura is fabulous. Amrit Maghera, who also stars in the film, joins in the song with a very cool vocal that is in English. She sings with great inflection and feeling. The music has many layers with always that great piano line grounding the song. I probably could have done without the synth percussion layer; I would have loved a more of a deep percussive drum. The orchestral line also sometimes overwhelms instead of adds, especially in the parts with Amrit. It started out lovely, in the middle a bit of a muddle musically, but still the two fabulous full-of-feeling singers is what makes the song work. Just wished they had toned the music down a bit so the singers could have really shined.

Party Is Going Mad, is as you probably guessed, is a club dance song composed by Siddharth-Sangeet Haldipur, who also sing on the track with Divya Kumar and Vidyadhar Bhave. The music is very, very, tin-y in the beginning and I did not care for that all. However, it moves on and has a nice, fast thumping beat that will definitely get people up on the floor. There are some cool things added in like the ‘No feelin’ sad Baby’ but then there are some parts that make you wince a bit. Maybe, like I said ‘in a club getting into the underlying groove’, it might work. I will be interested to see if this is a special mix for one of the dance numbers but I can’t see them popping or locking and definitely not doing Krump moves. Hearing the last part of the song I would say maybe, but just not sure. I say skip and wait for the movie.

Kahan Hai Khuda composed by Saahil Prem is sung by Subhash Pradhan. The music begins with a melodious instrumental that is very pretty. Subhash Pradhan is wonderful on the track and sings with a mellifluous tonal quality that can also be very strong. Very ballad soft rock western-y in feeling, I really liked this song especially the acoustic guitar. But there was something a bit off – I am not sure if his delivery really matched the quiet music or if it was the music that did not build and match his crying vocal. Still I am a girl who loves a simple song of soulful vocal and music so give this one a play.

We also have a Kahan Hai Khuda (Dubstep). I love the beginning of this song with its very cool new-agey instrumental. I think this one showed off his strong vocals much better. He had much more depth and the music mixed better with his emotional vocal. But then, it transposes and some of the overlaid synth parts did not mix and the rock guitar riff was just wrong and hard on the ears. I was left with an AHHHH, to an Ooooh, to an ooh no! Still Subhash Pradhan rocked this vocal! Maybe listen to the first part and then go back to the original.

There is also the Kahan Hai Khuda (Remix). Again there were some very odd choices for what to add to the song especially in the beginning. Then it moves on to a pretty standard remix – fast with added in synth beats. I never like to say this but I wanted to turn if off before it was over. Skip!

Starting off with a killer rough vocal by Lil’ Shorty and hot hip-hop beat, the first part of Punjabi Mundeya is cool! I imagine that this is the song that they dance to in the dance battle in the film. When the Punjabi beats and vocals by Ravindra Upadhyay (who is good) come in it is a very hard and jarring transition. The music, again I have to say, had this tin-y sound and needed more depth and bass, especially to match to the hard hitting rap section. I can only hope that this works in the movie because except for the first 1 minute and six seconds it is not worth a spin.

Starting off with ‘Ishq Da Bukhar’ I was really looking forward to hearing the rest of the album, sadly it did not live up to that first track. Do check out ‘Kahan Hai Khuda’, but as for the rest save it until the movie!

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