The International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) revealed that Abhishek Bachchan, Deepika Padukone and Madhuri Dixit will all be performing on the IIFA stage this year. Also performing will be dance superstar Prabhudeva who in a very cool number will dance with Sridevi in a one-of-a-kind dance-off. As we draw closer to the 14th Videocon DDB IIFA Weekend, the promising line-up of performances for the IIFA Awards is getting fans excited, as Indian Cinema takes centre-stage from July 4th – 6th at The Venetian Macao.
Abhishek Bachchan who has performed at several IIFAs in the past will also grace the IIFA stage, having given his first international performance at IIFA 2005 in Amsterdam.
Having seen phenomenal box-office success this year for her recent film Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, Deepika Padukone will showcase some of her signature moves from the recent hit songs in her most successful films including Angrezi Beats, Tumhi Ho Bandho and her most recent Balam Pichkaari.
Also performing at the IIFA Awards will be one of Bollywood’s most iconic leading ladies, Madhuri Dixit. Known for her iconic dance moves, Madhuri is preparing to make her IIFA debut this year. The acclaimed actress who has been in the industry for almost three decades will perform to a montage of the most unforgettable songs of her career.
Speaking on her upcoming performance,Madhuri Dixit-Nene said, “I have never been to an IIFA before and I’m very excited to be making my performance debut on the IIFA stage. I think that it a great fit especially since we’re celebrating ‘100 years of Indian Cinema’. I am thrilled to perform for my fans from Hong Kong and Macau.”
With a focus on ‘100 years of Indian Cinema’ as the theme for this year’s celebration, Madhuri, who is an accomplished dancer, will recreate the magic of cinema as she takes the audience down memory lane with her most memorable numbers.
Along with the impressive line-up of performances by the biggest stars in the Indian Film Industry, IIFA 2013 will also see a host of prominent personalities attend the prestigious Weekend including Shah Rukh Khan, Irrfan Khan, Vidya Balan, Anil Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor, Anushka Sharma, Arjun Rampal, Shardha Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Anupam Kher, Boman Irani, Huma Quereshi, Jacqueline Fernandez, Shabana Azmi, Aditya Roy Kapur, Javed Akhtar and Parineeti Chopra among others.
Tickets for the prestigious IIFA Awards are priced at HKD/MOP 399 (Bronze), HKD/MOP 599 (Silver), HKD/MOP 799 (Gold), HKD/MOP 1,599 (Platinum) and HKD/MOP 2,799 (Diamond) and will be available at all CotaiTicketing box offices* or can be booked online at, or by phone at +853 2882 8818 (Macau) / +852 6333 6660 (HK) / 4001 206 618 (China), as well as on spectacular IIFA Awards will take place at The Venetian Macao’s CotaiArena on the 6th of July and will seat an audience of a near 7,000 fans.