Meet Vishal, Malvika, Preity & Rahul from “Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge”

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Coming up on October 14th, is Y-Films second outing the fun and in a cool twist the social media based film Mujhse Fraaandship Karoge. Directed by Nupur Asthana, the film introduces Saqib Saleem, Saba Azad, Nishant Dahiya & Tara D’souza in what is being called this season’s most screwed up love-story.

So the story goes…

If Rahul the rockstar has got the voice and the looks, Vishal, the writer has the brains. If Malvika, the fashion design student and biker chick can get heads turning with just her looks, Preity, the photographer, can say a million things with her pretty pictures. What Vishal and Preity can’t do, is spell it out to Malvika and Rahul that they heart them.

But ‘Liking’ someone on Facebook is a lot easier. And when you can’t make it on your own, the best thing to do is to fake it. So, Vishal becomes Rahul and Preity becomes Malvika by taking their identities online and they start fraaandshipping each other. They chat, ‘like’, tag and LOL together and do a great job of pretending to be someone else. But, the question remains, how long can you fake true love?

In short, Rahul loves Malvika. And Malvika loves Rahul. But Rahul is not Rahul. Rahul is Vishal. And Vishal loves Malvika too. But Malvika is not Malvika either. Malvika is Preity. And Preity loves Rahul. But Preity hates Vishal. And Vishal hates Preity.

Got it?

Now meet Rahul and Vishal – Preity and Malvika

Character Sketch

Status: LOL, I take myself very seriously.

Rahul is a rockstar even when he’s off stage. This guy looks like a million bucks, sings like a dream and is charming as hell. His songs play on everyone’s playlist on campus and he’s a huge chick magnet.

This dude ignores and denies more fraaandship requests in a day than many lusty guys make to chicks in month.
Rahul has two very good friends, Vishal and Hacky.

They have complete access to his house, his car, his life. Even his Facebook profile. Which is what makes this the most screwed up love story.

Education and Work
Grad School – Mithi, India
High School – Ridley’s School, Mumbai

Basic Information
Relationship Status – Single Networks – Comicology, Action Films

Arts and Entertainment
Metallica, Gun N Roses, Superman and Need4Speed

Basketball, Cricket

Religious Views – Beware of God


Status: No one is perfect. But they can be picture perfect.

Preity is a man repellent. She’s pretty and all, but she hates the sight and smell of men around her, especially Vishal, the prankster. If she had just one wish, she would wish Vishal disappeared from her life. Preity is a totally complicated girl and quite a loner. A photography enthusiast, she is always seen clicking away with her camera on campus.

Preity really likes Rahul’s singing and loves his lyrics. Her roomie and best friend, Malvika is really happy that she has managed to like someone after such a long time.

But that isn’t necessarily such a good thing in this really screwed up love story.

Education and Work
Grad School – HRC, India
High School – Mani Vidyalaya School, Mumbai

Basic Information Relationship Status – Single
Networks – Photography, Photography Talk

Arts and Entertainment
Bollywood, Indie-Pop, Old Hindi Songs and Photography books

Religious Views – Liberal


Status: Hum Shahenshah ke bhi baap lagte hain.

A ghatiya shayiri writer and a pain in all the wrong places, if Vishal has any talent, it is being a genius prankster. He can go to any length to have fun. This appetite for fun can be matched only by his hatred for Preity. The two give the phrase ‘Get along like a house on fire’ a totally different meaning.

But Vishal has two best friends who like him. Yes, just two. Rahul, the rockstar and Hacky, the internetty weirdo.

Vishal secretly writes lyrics for Rahul’s songs which are a big hit at his gigs. At one such gig, Vishal spots Malvika and falls in love with her. What happens then makes this the most screwed up love story ever.

Education and Work
Grad School – HRC, India
High School – Ridley’s School, Mumbai

Basic Information Relationship Status – Single
Networks – I love trashy Hindi films, Miss Uniworse

Arts and Entertainment
Bollywood, Bhojpuri, Old Hindi Songs, OSTs

Basketball, Football, Gymnastics


Status: I trip on fashion and bikes. I wear only what I design.


There’s simply just a lot more to this bounty of beauty from nature’s basket. This fashion design student wears more than just her attitude.

She designs her own stuff and does a damn good job of it. She’s the girl with the thump, thanks to the bullet she rides.

Malvika’s mom and dad live abroad and she shacks up with
Preity. The two are worlds apart but best friends.

Education and Work Grad School– NIFT, India
High School –Adana Fen Lilsesi, Turkey

Basic Information Relationship Status – Single
Networks – Bikers of Mumbai, Fashion House London

Arts and Entertainment
Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga, Sex and the City

Religious Views – Liberal

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