Mumbai Mirror is back it yet again. After the debacle they created for themselves in the Aishwarya Rai –Abhishek Bachchan fiasco, they have made enemies in the form of Hrithik Roshan. The online webzine went to on to leak the climax of the film claiming that the lovers, Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori jump off a cliff and die in the end. The very source stated, “Hrithik Roshan and Barbara Mori, who play lovers in the film, die in the end. They jump off a cliff into the sea. As they jump to their death, the film ends.” They further claimed that the character of Kangna Ranaut does not die and stays alive, “Her role is a minuscule one and her death is not warranted.”
A clearly upset but unphased Hrithik went on to tweet the following after the article was published and circulated all over the internet, “Friends, a section of the media has tried to sabotage my name all thru the past year, I forgive them, today they tried to sabotage KITES by trying to give out the climax. (Though they got it wrong thankfully)- I STILL forgive them. Just keep spreading love people, if u react, u make ur world more negative…only love conquers…and only love remains….have a great day!”