Red Chillies Entertainment and Sony Music India recently released the lead single, Radha from the much-awaited film – Jab Harry Met Sejal. The film stars the King of Romance Shah Rukh Khan and the gorgeous Anushka Sharma and together they are fire. The celebratory song is a Punjabi take on everything loud, refreshing and beautiful about India. While SRK adds the Punjabi flavor, Anushka gives the peppy number a Gujarati touch
The song is a HUGE hit, hitting over 10 million views on Facebook and Twitter at the time of writing this article. We are sure it will be higher!
Says Sanujeet Bhujabal, Marketing Director, Sony Music India, “Radha is a quintessential Pritam song that has all elements of a hit. It has been less than 24 hours since its release and we are already topping charts. The video brings a smile to your face while the infectious rhythm will definitely get you to dance. This is just the first release, the entire album has some beautiful songs and I can see it becoming the soundtrack of the year.”
Composed by Pritam, with lyrics penned by Irshad Kamil, Radha is sung by Sunidhi Chauhan and Shahid Mallya.
ICYMI or want to enjoy the beat again check it out!
Radha and the complete soundtrack will be available worldwide on Apple Music, Spotify and iTunes.