As director duo Radhika Rao-Vinay Sapru’s Sanam Teri Kasam nears release, it has been revealed that their next is a musical, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Based on the Grimm Brothers’ classic fairy tale, their film will be set in the hinterlands of India, and against the backdrop of the brass band culture of the North.
As per reports, filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker too has been planning a modern-day take on the popular fairy-tale. But while Vinay and Radhika’s ‘Snow White’ will kick-start in March-April with a known star cast targeting a 2016 release, Gowariker’s film is expected to roll towards the end of the year.
Radhika and Vinay are known for lending a larger-than-life fairy-tale like charm to their works. Be it their music videos, their film Lucky: No Time For Love starring Salman Khan and Sneha Ullal or their superhit songs including Dabangg’s Tere Mast Mast Do Nain and more recently in Prem Ratan Dhan Paayo, they all have a fairy-tale like quality to them.
And that’s also how, reveal the filmmakers, that they came up with an idea of an adaptation of ‘Snow White’. While they admit that the original story has been tweaked a little, the essence and the metaphors of the familiar tale like the poisoned apple will be retained in their adaptation.
Vinay shares, “The hunter, who was supposed to kill Snow White in the forest, but lets her go, is merged with the character of the prince, to become an unlikely hero.”
Radhika adds that their ‘Snow White’ is an Indian girl with almond-shaped eyes, somewhat dusky complexion and unlike the original, who was quiet and timid, is feisty and temperamental. “Also, the dwarfs are not physically small men but people who live on the fringes of society,” says Radhika, pointing out that in the original Grimm’s fairy tale that was how it was.
As for Gowariker making a film on Snow White too, they reason that even in Hollywood there have been instances of two studios coming up with a ‘Snow White’ around the same time. She says, “No one can lay claims to the story. Anyone can adapt it and every filmmaker will have a different interpretation. Ours is a musical set in the interiors. Maybe Ashu’s film will come before us!”