AR Rahman, who has definitely helped put Indian music on the global map, will be performing in Mumbai on April 24 and 25. The first performance of the music maestro will be for the music release of Mani Ratnam’s Raavan. Held at Yash Raj Studios, the audience will be made up of a select few from Bollywood and the media.
The following day, Rahman’s performance is said to be the highlight of the IPL finale to be held at DY Patil stadium. This will be the first time that he will perform in Mumbai after winning the Oscar and after many years.
An official spokesperson of Raavan said, “Never before had we started getting requests for an invite to a music function days in advance. Call it the Mani magic, the Rahman magic or their combination. Or maybe it’s the excitement of a Rahman concert as he hasn’t performed live in Mumbai for ages.”
At the performance on April 24, Rahman is expected to perform tracks from Raavan as well as selected songs from Mani Ratnam films which he has composed from Roja to Guru.
It is said that the Rahman concert on April 24 will be attended by the entire Raavan cast and crew along with the first family of Bollywood, the Bachchan’s.
“Mani Ratnam himself has planned this grand event. Only the cast and crew of the film are aware of it. Rahman is already in Mumbai and has started rehearsing for the same. The very next day he will be performing live at the DY Patil stadium for the IPL finale where he will perform his Oscar winning song ‘Jai Ho’,” said a source.