We told you about the Mahurat Puja on April 29th, which began the filming of Tamil superstar Rajnikanth’s next film Rana. However, only one shot was completed on that day because Rajnikanth was unwell and was rushed to the hospital. A press meet was called in Chennai for clarification on Rajinikanth’s hospitalization as well as to give more details about the film. The press conference was attended by director K.S. Ravikumar, star of the film Deepika Padukone and Rajnikanth’s daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth, who is co-producing the film.
The star was admitted to the hospital and treated for dehydration and exhaustion. He is now out of the hospital and on bed rest. “Rajinikanth is a man who takes every film as his first film. I guess he hadn’t slept well last night and was very tense when he came to the sets. He is much better now though. The heat of Chennai must have taken a toll on him. He will be fine in a week and we will resume shooting then,” said the director.
As for when Rajnikanth will begin shooting the period film he added, “We start with Rajini Sir mainly in the London schedule which is still far away. We might have a few scenes with him in June in Chennai, but that would again depend on the dates of other actors.”
Talking about the film, Ravikumar said, “First and foremost Rana is an all new film. When Rajini sir narrated the story, I got hooked to it and realised it has all the ingredients for a mass movie.”
Filming has continued with star Deepika Padukone, who says she can’t believe she is working opposite the Tamil superstar! “I will not even call this a dream come true because it seemed so impossible that I did not even dream that this would happen one day,” the actress said at the press conference.
She says she is very excited to start the period film, “It’s great to be in Chennai and shooting for this film. Even on the first day of shoot, I could feel the entire unit reaching out to me and helping me with the new environment. Ravikumar sir and Soundarya Rajinikanth ensured that I was comfortable. Even Rajini sir wished me success at the pooja. I’m eagerly awaiting to start work on the scenes that feature both of us.”
Her first shots were for a song sequence with music by the maestro A R Rahman. About the actress the director had nothing but compliments to give, “She is extremely casual and co-operative. She understands what we want and gives the same output.”
Rana, which will see Rajnikanth in 3 different roles, is set in the 17th century. About her look in the film Deepika revealed, “It’ll be a period look. As the film is set in the 17th century, my look and hair will be done in a very different way. Costume designer Neeta Lulla, who has handled films like Devdas, has worked hard on my look and come out with brilliant results. It’s a 17th century look with a south Indian touch.”
“It can’t get bigger and better than this. I’m south Indian myself and have long wanted to debut in Kollywood with a big film. Though I’ve been listening to scripts, it was when Rana came along that I decided that this is the one for me. I think it’s destiny,” she added.
The film is an Eros International Production and is scheduled for release in early 2012.
Have a look at some exclusive stills from the press conference.