Ranbir Chats Again!!

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It had been eight long months but fans of Ranbir Kapoor got the opportunity to chat with their favorite hunkstar once again late Friday night. After coming from a script reading with Konkona for Wake Up Sid, Ranbir came to Ranbirkapoor.net at about 2 am IST and thrilled fans staying over 2 hours! Each post from the excited fans was filled with praise for Ranbir and he was asked a myriad of questions. Here are some highlights from the chat:

It started with: “Hello everybody…. Sorry for the delay… this is Ranbir..…”

One of the first questions posted was about his singing the title track on Bachna Ae Haseeno (BAH) and why it was not used and he answered, “Yes I did try singing the bah track but honestly I’m quite conscious of my voice and I do believe Im a terrible singer so I got out of it… but will sing for you once I meet you… (soon hopefully)” She also cheekily asked what he was wearing and he answered: “I’m in my boxers and a tshirt which says :I;, lazy.”

Things got a little confusing with so many wanting to get the chance to connect with him and ask him their questions that he got lost and the cute star wrote: “I’m confused.. I don’t see anybody… or is there nobody?” The moderator assured him that there were over 70 people there and to just answer whatever he wanted.

He was asked about doing a stage show and replied, “I always believe that when you perform something on stage in front of the industry, you need the people of the film to be there to celebrate with you… since Saawariya was not particularly recognized at any award ceremony, I decided not to perform.. I”ll surely perform to something next year…” When asked about a world tour he answered: “Yes I will do a world tour.. but only when I get a good bank of songs to perform too.. hopefully in 2 years…”

What makes him happy? “Good food.. a great cinematic shot.. a good movie.. a smile on my parents face.. Deepika…a football game.. and most most importantly.. RKF.”

Another fan asked what his favorite foods were: “I’m a huge foodie.. like all kinds of food.. but favorite is regular home made food I eat everyday… dal, mutton/chicken/fish, paratha’s and some vegetable..” And he added, “Hope you like BAH… worked hard on it… its turned out to be a sweet quintessential romantic date flick.. entertainment to the fullest.”

One wanted to know specifics about what his dream girl looks like and he sweetly answered, “Thank you for your kind words… I don’t have a dream girl… in particular.. but hopefully will get married to the girl of my dreams.”

He was also asked if he liked cinema from other countries: “I’m an avid cinema lover.. a world cinema lover.. and love watching all kinds of movies… the language doesn’t matter..”

The possibility of he and Sonam working together of course came up and he said, “Yes I’m looking forward to work with Sona again.. I adore her and think she is 1 of the most talented actresses out there.. we have been offered a couple of movies together but still are waiting for something special to come along…” He also listed her as his favorite costar writing: “Sona will always be my fav costar cuz we started our journey together…”

Another question asked was what advice would he give to someone who dreams of being in Bollywood? “All I say is dream big… because I really believe in this thing I read on a t-shirt I bought.. ‘something somewhere incredible is waiting to be known’ – chase it.. and you will achieve happiness and peace of mind..”

In answer to the question: “I’ve read that you’re an introvert do you think that might be at a disadvantage in the movie industry with all the media attention?” He gave a wonderful reply saying, “Yes I am an introvert but something happens to me when the director says action.. I love the time i spend between the 2 magical words action and cut… Its truly an amazing feeling.. and I pray I feel like this all my life..”

One of the fabulous administrators of RKF then put her savaal to Ranbir asking how he has changed in the past year. The incredibly sweet reply was, “Not changed much… I still am humbled by all the support on this incredible forum.. I truly am indebted to all you guys.. I wish I can meet all of you and give a big hug and thank you all personally… inshallah we shall meet at some point in out lives.”

Of course with his next big film, Bachna Ae Haseeno getting ready for release on August 15th many of the questions were in reference to the film. One fan tried to get him to reveal who he ends up with in BAH but he was not tricked and would not give the answer away and he also revealed it would be a surprise ending he hoped. To another fan that asked him about the USP of BAH he replied: “The usp of Bah is its story, the 3 amazingly talented beautiful haseeno’s and the music..” Favorite songs? “Ahista Ahista and Jogi Mahi are my Fav..”

He was asked how it was working with the 3 ladies in BAH: “Working with the 3 haseeno’s has been phenomenal.. each 1 is truly talented, beautiful, sincere, hard working and HOT.. do tell me who you like me best with..”

He was also asked what he thought seeing himself in the BAH promos and he said, “I loose objectivity when i see myself on screen.. when you work in a film, its so dear to you that you become numb towards the end of it.. I really hope you guys like the film.”

About working on a YRF banner film he said, “Beyond a banner i think what excites and matters most to me is the script and the character… which attracted me most towards BAH.” Speaking of YRF, the other movies he has signed with them? “Shimit Amin’s Rocket Singh.. Salesman of the year.. great script.. I play a sardar in it..”

Ranbir swept the Best Debut categories this past award season for his performance in Saawariya and in answer to how that feels he said: “It really feels great that your hard work is recognized and appreciated…”

Questions also turned to his family and the RK films banner and one asked: What he would like to do to carry the RK films legacy forward. “Yes I respect where I come from and understand my roots.. I need to do something special for my banner and I promise I wont let you down with the film I direct/act/produce for RK films.” He also said, “Would love to work with everybody from my family.. nothing planned yet.. how bout a movie with everybody in it?” And he revealed his parents would soon be seen together on a television reality show.

Other directors he would like to work with that he has not signed with yet? “Really would love to work with Rajkumar Hirani and Imtiaz Ali.”

One fan asked about her other favorite film hero Imran Khan and whether we could expect to see the two in a film. “I loved Imran’s work in JTYJN… He’s truly talented.. I have been offered a couple of movies with him.. let hope something works out.. will be a pleasure to work with him.”

He was also asked if he was scared with all these newcomers coming into Bollywood and he said, “There is an actor born every minute.. you just have to focus on your work, be happy, work hard, make your parents happy and be true to your profession.. thats all that matters..” He revealed with a smile that “ Everybody from Amitabh Bachchan to Darsheel Safary is competition to me.”

He said, “I enjoy performances rather than having a favorite.” But also revealed that his all time fav actors are Rishi Kapoor and Kajol.

Who does he think he has good chemistry with? “I’m too new to realize who i share best onscreen chemistry with… but so far i have enjoyed working with all the my leading ladies.. Zohra Sehgal (lilypop) included.”

One great question that was asked was: “There seems to be a good variety in your future projects. Has it been a conscious decision to only select a variety or would you say you have been lucky with the offers coming at you?” He replied, “Yes I’m trying to work and do as many films as i can… really a lot of interesting scripts and filmmakers out there… as of now the films i have signed on are Ajab Prem Ki Gajab Kahani, Wake up Sid, Rocket Singh, Rajniti and hopefully will lock another interesting project soon…” Speaking of Wake Up Sid he said about working with Konkona, “Really nervous and scared to start work on Wake up Sid with Konkana.. She’s such a fine talent.. I hope I match up.”

Ranbir also revealed he would be launching his website soon saying, “I’m launching my website sometime next month where i can interact more with you guys.. will be just a personal way to get in touch with me.”

Finally all good things must come to an end and at 4 am he sent his final message: “Guys.. thank you.. from the bottom of my heart for all the love and support.. its 4 am in the morning and I have an early photoshoot… I better jet to bed… BAH is out on the 15th of Aug.. I really hope you guys enjoy the film.. its a quintessential romantic comedy… had a blast making the movie.. and finally its out in less than a months time.. strangely feeling the same emotions I felt during Saawariya’s release.. Anyways.. I think we go beyond the movies I do.. and I hope we maintain this beautiful relationship… I’ll be back really soon to chat up… promise.. before BAH’s release and update you on stuff.. started work on APKGK and starting WUS this Sept.. Shimit’s film starts in Feb and might sign Mani Ratnam’s next… Rajniti before that.. I hope these films entertain you guys…Nighty night.. take care.. talk to you reallllllllllllllyyyyyy soooooooooooooon… Till than… see you at the movies..Love now and forever… and ever.. Ranbir”

Sadly this reporters marvelous question: “Now that you have your second film under your belt what have you learned as an actor?” was not answered. Perhaps next time RK, hai na?

We here at BollySpice will certainly be at the movies to see Bachna Ae Haseeno so be sure to check back for our review. We wish Ranbir and the entire cast the best of luck!

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