Saif and Kareena Not Married

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Reports about Saif and Kareena tying the knot have been swirling and creating a storm in the past few days. It was being reported that they were secretly married on Wednesday. Kareena was also seen with a diamond ring which ramped up the rumor mill even higher. However, we can now report that this is totally false and the confirmation comes from Saif Ali Khan, himself.

Saif said that he was disturbed by the rumors and in a phone interview with CNN-IBN clarified that it was, “Absolute rubbish, completely untrue. We’re not married, we’re not engaged, we don’t even live together. So, I’m not sure were this is coming from. But it is upsetting to our families and that is why, which is not my normal practice to answer calls and come on press about my personal life, but I think it is important today because there’s more people involved than just myself and Kareena. I mean, I think the only action to be taken is to let the truth be know which is to clarify it with you (CNNIBN) which is what I am doing right now.”

The reporter then asked, “When do you eventually plan to get married?”

Saif responded, “Well again that is a very private thing but not for years at least. Because right now the most important thing in our lives is our careers. There is really no time to think of anything else. Beyond that what I choose to give her, what she chooses to wear and what she gives me is surely our business.”

In another interview Saif said, “Yes we did gift each other with rings but that was just a token of love and not because we are engaged.”

He also said that when they do get engaged, “We will definitely come out in the open and I look forward to that day. I am extremely committed and we are both very much happy together. I would please like to request the press to give us a little bit of break and as it does get a little stressful for our families when things like this are written about us.”

So now let the rumors rest until we hear confirmation from Saif or Kareena.

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