Salman Khan launched the Tubelight trailer at a grand launch in Mumbai with both fans and media. Responding with thunderous applause to loud cheers, the audience was absolutely blown over at the look the trailer gives into Tubelight. The superstar was joined by the rest of his Tubelight family – Sohail Khan, director Kabir Khan, music director Pritam and Amar Butala, COO Salman Khan Films onstage and the team’s fun chemistry was clearly visible at the media interaction. This was Salman’s first appearance for the film in India, following the super hit Radio launch in Dubai.
As per his motto of ‘Fan First’, Salman simultaneously showcased the trailer to fans at a screening. Fans arrived from all parts of the country thronging the venue. Salman soon walked into a theatre full of fans who greeted him joyously. The superstar thanked his fans and happily posed for photos.
“It is wonderful to reunite with the Bajrangi Bhaijaan team for Tubelight. The reactions right since the teaser have been encouraging and I can’t wait to show the film,” said director Kabir Khan.
Talking about his character and the challenges, Salman Khan said, “He is pure. And to do a pure character is like the most difficult thing there is. In our lives, we are not like the purest of people. So, to portray someone like, maybe a character from Hum Apke Hain Kaun or to portray someone from Bajrangi Bhaijan or Tubelight, it’s the most difficult thing because to maintain the simplicity, the honesty and the purity of the character is like the most difficult thing that one has to do in films like this one.”
The magnificent trailer depicts the small town of Jagatpura and the heart-warming bond of brotherhood between Bharat (Sohail Khan) and Laxman (Salman Khan). It is the story of one man’s unshakable belief in himself and love for his family.
About working with brothers Salman and Sohail, the director said, “It was important for me to have real life brothers in the film to get the chemistry right. If there was another actor I had to build lot of scenes in the screenplay to show love between two brothers, but with Salman and Sohail we got it in one shot.”
“Tubelight is a story of two brothers and their bond that will surpass all odds. We hope that this family entertainer touches your hearts the same way it has touched ours!” said Amar Butala, COO, Salman Khan Films.
Tubelight starring Salman Khan is directed by Kabir Khan and produced by Salma Khan and Salman Khan. The film is slated to release in cinemas this Eid ul-Fitr on 23rd June 2017.
The trailer has already hit 7 million views on Youtube alone and going higher!
ICYMI Here’s the trailer again!
Check out some snaps and even a small video or two from the launch!