The film only opened yesterday but it seems Chennai Express, with its huge first day (with early reports at over 30 crores), plus the early previews and the overseas market, this film is well on its way to being a super hit and breaking all kinds of box office records. Star Shah Rukh Khan is ecstatic.
The day before release with the early preview reviews coming in, the actor tweeted, “#ChennaiExpress has reached all over. Want to thank u all for welcoming it so. i hope you all feel my love for you too thru the film.”
The day of the release he tweeted, “Nothing as happy as when people love your work”
“It is nice that the film is doing well,” the actor said at a press conference at Bandra on Friday. Adding, “I am happy that people have liked the film and it has opened well.”
Though he says will wait three or four days to see the final collections, SRK is one happy actor, “I can’t stop smiling. And I am happy everyone is smiling!”
Check out what SRK said outside a special screening of the film in this cool video:
Also starring the gorgeous Deepika Padukone, the Rohit Shetty action packed romantic comedy tells the story of a Mumbai boy (Shah Rukh Khan) who embarks on a journey to a small town in Tamil Nadu, only to fulfill the last wish of his grandfather to have his ashes immersed in Rameshwaram. En route, he meets a South Indian girl (Deepika Padukone) hailing from an orthodox family. As they find love through this journey in the exuberant lands of South India, the clash of cultures awaits them. What follows is a series of adventures where he finds himself in new surroundings, challenged with an unfamiliar language! Chennai Express is the story Rahul who lands up in a totally unexpected journey that makes him the realize the importance of Love, Life, Relationships and Sacrifice. A hilarious journey which teaches you about the serious relationships in life.