Shah Rukh Khan joins with over 300 Fans at Mannat to celebrate a Guinness World Record!

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Shah Rukh Khan is one of the most popular actors in Hindi cinema for his incredible performances in films. Fans from all over the world list him as number one on their ‘favorite actors’ lists. Recently, a massive group gathered outside his house, Mannat, to celebrate the world premiere release of his latest movie Pathaan on television. What is so cool is that they actually broke a Guinness World Book Record!

Here are the deets!
The World TV Premiere of Pathaan will be on StarGold Sunday, 18th June, at 8 pm. So to celebrate StarGold united Fans to create a Guinness World Record.

Now what was the world record for? Well, it was for the most people performing Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic pose. You know the one!

‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ From YRF song video on YouTube

Here is a picture of the certificate, which also was signed by the actor thanking his fans!

Over 300 of SRKfans gathered to smash the record!

To make this even more exceptional, the actor came out on the balcony at Mannat to celebrate and thank them!

We also have a special video of the star cheering and, of course, doing the pose for fans!

Plus, some incredible shots from the event from someone who was there when it happened!

Thank you to Sunil From UK SRK UNIVERSE for the pictures and video!

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