Sexual violence against Indian Women is at the forefront of international media and there is constant debate as to why it is so prevalent in India. In a recent interview with German magazine, Brigette, Frieda Pinto disclosed that she too has been groped before. She went as far as saying that, “Every woman I know has been groped. I don’t know any woman who uses public transport and has never experienced it.”
I had a bad experience when I was in school. Since I was an obese kid, I looked a lot older than my age. Once, when I was going to a place in Andheri with my mother to get clothes for a fancy dress competition, a man came towards me and tried to touch my chest. But before he could do anything, I caught hold of him and beat him up. My mother, who was walking ahead of me, was unaware of what had happened. When I told her about it later, she was proud.”