“Striker is Chandan’s best film!” – Nicolette Bird

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She was the stunning and ultra cool ex-girlfriend of Farhan’s in Rock On!! whom we simply couldn’t name but were sure we’d seen her before. Now at last we can put a name to the face and point out exactly when and where we’ve seen her before. Nicolette Bird may be a newbie on the big screen but she’s been around for quite some time reigning the modeling industry, ad world and even delivering hit music videos. Unlike most newcomers, she’s taking it slow and feeling out the industry before she indulges too much into it, but that’s not to say that weren’t not cheering her on to to stay and entertain us for years to come. For now she’s gearing up for your reactions to her second release, Chandan Arora’s Striker, in which she plays the very beautiful Noorie. As the release date gets closer and closer, the charming young talent takes a minute to speak to us about both Noorie and Nicolette!

We’ll start with the most obvious question of them all, how did Striker happen for you?

Chandan was casting for another film and that film did not work out but Striker happened soon after. And he decided that I should do Striker.

Tell us a bit about Striker and your character Noorie?

By the looks of it and the trailer, you would have already known the gist. The rest you will have to go and watch. You won’t be disappointed. As for my character, I play a simple Muslim girl and have loved every part of her.

What was the trait in your character or the script that made Striker the ‘must do’ project for you?

I do not have a very big role in the film but I was so sure that I would have loved to be on board this project. The character just seemed flawless but flawed. I liked the fact of experimenting with characters. My last film was Rock On!! so doing this is the other side of the coin.

You’ve worked with a host of interesting stars in the film such as Siddharth, Padmapriya, Aditya Pancholi and many more. With whom did you have the most interaction and tell us how was it to work with all these actors?

My scenes were mostly with Siddharth and they were fun to shoot.

Any particular memorable moment from the sets?

Yup, there is a scene where I am eating Pani puri…yummm! Even though Chandan said “CUT” I kept on munching!

What is your favourite scene from the film?

The film on the whole!

How was it working with the director, Chandan Arora?

Chandan is a STAR!

We hear the music is quite a phenomenal soundtrack. What are your thoughts on the soundtrack, any favorite tracks?

Again I’d have to say the whole album is amazing.

Despite being such a well known and successful model, you have been quite selective about your foray into cinema. Why has this been the case?

Cinema happened by default. I was quite happy doing my endorsements and music videos and then movies seemed like the next thing. I decided to give movies a shot late 2007 that’s when Rock On!! was offered and I accepted followed by Striker and a Kanada film Hodi Maga. Having my doubts whether I still wanted this as a career was still daunting me so I did not accept anything after and decided to relax take a vacation and see where that takes me. By the way, I am still on my vacation! [laughs]

We first saw you in Rock On!!. how did that project happen for you?

I auditioned for the role and was selected.

How was it working with the rocking team, Farhan, Abhishek, Luke, Prachi, etc.?

I had a blast!

What sort of roles do you look forward to doing in the future?

As of now I am taking a long vacation.

You appeared in an item number in the Nagarjuna starrer Boss (Telugu), does this mean you’re open to more item number offers in your career?

Who knows?

You’ve also reined the music video industry with many hit videos to your credit, what is it that you enjoy most about working on music videos?

I love to dance!

I’ll shift focus to the off screen Nicolette. Now your name is not the conventional Indian name we hear, so tell us a bit about your origin?

I’m Anglo-Indian.

I once read that you call yourself ‘world biggest pessimistic’. Is this still the case and if so why do you give yourself this title?

I am a pessimist only when it comes to work so that I can self improve. I always feel that I can do better. But there is no way as a person I am a pessimist. I am the world’s biggest optimist you shall ever find. I always see the glass half full…

Talking about your studies now, you’ve been rather adamant to maintain them and I hear have an Honours in English and are planning a Master. Tell us about how much importance should be given to formal education even by those who plan to venture out into a completely different industry like modeling and acting?

I am going to study further and that’s why this long break. Acting is a short lived career but an education is life long.

From all the arenas in which you’ve ventured into, acting, music videos and modeling, what have you most enjoyed?

Music videos.

When will we see you next after Striker?

In a music video by Mohit Chauhan called ‘Challeya’.

Coming back to Striker now, what are your expectations from the film, how do you think audiences will take to it?

I have seen Chandan’s other films and have loved all of them. Striker is the best! Well, so far…

In your words, why should our readers be rushing to a cinema near them this February to catch Striker?

It’s a film very different from the standard Bollywood story line, and it’s a film that will make you think about your own beliefs and biases.

Anything that’s different is surely worth a try so be sure to try out what Nicolette claims to be Chandan’s best work till date, Striker, coming to a theatre near you this Friday the 5th of February!

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