Suchitra Khrishnamoorthi Airbrushed from Rann

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Suchitra Khrishnamoorthi provides one of the more eye-catching roles in Rann but you wouldn’t know it as she is completely missing from any of the fast-edited promos announcing the work. “Since I’m not part of any promotions or publicity, everybody thinks that I’m cooking up stories about being part of the flick,” she says, “Even my daughter, Kaveri, refuses to believe it. She says, ‘Mamma, you said you did a movie with Amitabh Bachchan. But I don’t see you.’”

Single mother Suchitra has been vocal recently in supporting the government’s move in allowing the mother’s name to be used in school registration and not insisting on the father’s name even where it may be a single-parent family. “It is a great move,” she argues, “Mothers play an integral part in bringing up a child. So by just attaching the father’s name to the child does not validate the child’s existence in this world. A mother is equally responsible for the betterment of the child.”

The multi-talented Suchitra, who once played the role of Lucy from Peanuts in a stage musical, is also an artist and a writer. Her first book, “The Summer of Cool”, was released by Penguin last year and is being followed up by her second, “The Good News Reporter”, later this month.

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