Filmmaker Neeraj Pandey’s upcoming biopic “MS Dhoni – The Untold Story” which was scheduled to release on 22nd October, will be not releasing on the planned date. Sushant Singh Rajput starrer this film is reportedly delayed and won’t be ready for the it’s Dussehra date.
The biopic of Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, was to begin on June 25 but now it will only go on the floors only in mid-July. It means the film which promised 22nd October as release date through it’s teaser poster, won’t enter the theaters this year.
Arun Pandey of Inspired Entertainment, an associate company of Rhiti Sports, that has exclusive rights to Dhoni’s story and is co-producing the film, confirmed the news of its delay. “Yes, it is true that the shooting of the official biopic of M S Dhoni will commence in July. We are fully ready now to roll and start the journey to narrate the inspirational story of the man, the legend, M S Dhoni.”
However if a source close to the project is to be believed, the film will definitely come in 2016 though no date has been locked yet. The biopic will reveal some interesting facts of Dhoni’s personal life and journey before he became a global sporting icon. Sushant who is portraying the character of MSD, is doing all his best to prepare for the movie. From ballet to backflips, cardio to cricket, the actor is doing everything he can to look like MSD.
Meanwhile, the Shahid Kapoor and Alia Bhatt starrer destination wedding romcom “Shaandar” has booked the Dussehra release.