The ex-Miss Universe, Sushmita Sen, who had planned to make a film on Jhansi Ki Rani has shelved her project for the time being. However, Jhansi Ki Rani will be revived on the big screen by someone else, the Rang Rasiya director, Ketan Mehta. It seems that the director was in the scripting stages of his project when he heard Sushmita was doing a much similar film so he stopped writing; however now with the news that the other project has been shelved, Ketan’s version of the queen’s life seems to be back on track.
So, who will play this role of a life time? I hear you ask. Well it seems that age old competition of Aishwarya and Sushmita is still on because its none other than Aishwarya Rai Bachchan who is Ketan’s ideal star for the role. When asked whether she is still in his mind for the role, Ketan said that he will speak about it soon. Perhaps he needs to re-approach her now, that the project is back on track.
Whatever and whoever brings on screen this amazing lady’s life story will surely have a world of expectations on their shoulders. We wish them all the very best and hope that they are able to meet those high expectations.