Currently in production in Hyderabad is Balaji’s keenly awaited film The Dirty Picture. However, due to the Telangana strike in the city the film’s shooting was disrupted for two days. Reportedly, Members of Parliament from the region in Andhra Pradesh have been exerting pressure on the central government to create a separate state.
With the region on lockdown the shoot of the Milan Luthria-directed musical drama was cancelled at Ramoji Film City on July 5th and 6th. The mini break gave Vidya Balan, Tusshar and Naseeruddin Shah a breather from the film’s hectic shooting schedule. However, they went right back to work late at night on 6th July.
The film also stars Emraan Hashmi, who joins the unit next week following the release of his Mohit Suri-directed thriller.
Both Emraan and Tusshar will be seen opposite Vidya for the first time in The Dirty Picture.
The film is the story of South star Silk Smitha, about her character Vidya has said, “Silk was made to give Indian men sleepless nights! She doesn’t leave much to imagination. Silk is every woman’s wild side and yet she’s soft where it matters. She was spunky, yet she can shock you with a straight face.”
With music by Vishal Shekhar, the film is set to release later this year.