Coming up on November 26th, (November 24th in the US!!)is Break Ke Baad starring Imran Khan and Deepika Padukone. Directed by newcomer Danish Aslam, it is produced by Kunal Kohli. The story is about Abhay and Aliyah who have been friends since they were four years old and they grew up and into falling in love. But what they want out of life slowly breaks them apart. Break Ke Baad is not just a coming of age film, but a film about couples growing up – together. In a fickle world where relationships break up on the smallest of differences, Abhay and Aaliya manage to save theirs despite geographical ones.
Earlier we have introduced you to Abahy and Aliyah, now meet some of the other players in the world of Break Ke Baad!

PAMMI – Lillete Dubey
Pammi is a vivacious 45 year old woman who has an insatiable appetite for life and loving, despite having been divorced 3 times. She proudly considers herself the black sheep of the Gulati family, regarding them as a super normal and sweet Punjabi family. She’s is Abhay’s father’s younger sister, his Bua and also his closest confidante apart from Aaliya.
As much as Pammi dotes on her nephew she has an interesting love-hate relationship with Aaliya. Aaliya to Pammi is impetuous, callous, too individualistic for her own good and ambitious – qualities that are diametrically opposite to Abhay. And that’s precisely why she believes Aaliya is perfect for Abhay.
So on the surface she seems slightly disapproving and constantly tests Aaliya to prove to her that Abhay may be a too good for her but secretly she knows that Abhay and Aaliya are the perfect yin and yang couple.
When all else fails in Abhay’s life, it is Pammi’s fierce belief in not giving up that helps Abhay in the last leg of his journey.

AYESHA – Sharmila Tagore
Ayesha Khan is Aaliya’ mother – a 55 year old independent, single parent. Many decades back, when Ayesha was a teenager she rebelled against her parents became an actress. She fell in love with one of her directors and was happy to quit the industry to lead a normal, domestic life with husband and child. But her fairy tale romance and wedding soon came to an end as she discovered that her husband was a serial cheat and liar. After many torrid fights over his affairs her husband upped and left leaving her shattered – with Aaliya.
Ayesha chose to not be bitter and decided to pick herself up and make a life for herself and her daughter. What she didn’t realise was that the divorce also scarred her so deeply that despite giving Aaliya all the freedom to explore life, she forbid Aaliya the one thing that she wanted to do. Act. A talent she herself had passed on to her child. For acting and in particular films became the symbol of everything that was wrong and evil in her life. Ayesha did everything to protect her daughter from it not realising she’s pushing her away.
Ayesha is the reason Aaliya lies, runs away and eventually realises who she wants to be and more importantly who she doesn’t want to turn into. And in turn Aaliya helps her mother confront and make peace with her fears.

NADIA – Shahana Goswami
Artistic, intelligent, business savvy and irreparably cynical – Nadia Dastoor, is a 24 year old third generation Indian living in Austarlia. A tattoo artist by profession she earns her livelihood making cheesy hearts on teenager’s arms but violently opposes the idea of Love. And that’s precisely why she finds Abhay ludicrous when she first meets him. However, if there is anyone who manages to make a slight crack in Nadia’s abrasive, cynical veneer it is Abhay.
She is won over by his unwavering pursuit of Aaliya. Having lost love once she decides to help Abhay in her own way and gives him a leg-up in journey. While her demeanour suggests that there is no hope for them, she secretly hopes that Abhay will succeed. It’s the only way she will not lose complete faith in the notion of ‘love’.
Nadia is by nature an observer, an astute one at that, and doesn’t believe in offering her opinion. But she makes a rare exception in Aaliya’s case as she sees how blurred the lines between love and friendship can get. As fond as she is of Aaliya it is Abhay that Nadia feels an innate sense of camaraderie with. She knows Abhay’s fighting a losing battle and that’s precisely why she doesn’t want him to be hurt and more importantly to ever lose his conviction and faith in love. Like she did. Possibly forever.

CYRUS – Yudhishtir Urs
An evergreen ten year old. Flower child. Socially inept. Party animal. Wild animal. None of these words come close to describing Cyrus Dastoor. The only way to know him is by experiencing his unique brand of unpredictable eccentricity.
Cyrus has no family, friends, close relationships except for his younger sister Nadia, who bosses him around all the time. He doesn’t like it but he loves her too much to rebel – losing her would, in a way, end his existence. His life is a long unending party which continues even at his beach shack where he pretends to work to keep his sister happy. He knows Nadia wants him to end his ridiculous dalliances with women and become a little responsible but he knows he won’t and is incapable of it.
And that’s precisely why he loves and hates Abhay. Cyrus finds Abhay and Aaliya’s relationship hilarious. In fact Cyrus could crown Abhay as ‘Loser King’ as Abhay’s been with ‘only ONE woman!!!!’ in his entire life. But while Cyrus is busy laughing at Abhay trying to become a man, he doesn’t realise when their life paths got intertwined. Nadia decides to help Abhay and cleverly manipulates her brother into the plan.
Just as Cyrus was ready to ‘really retire’ he finds himself in the middle of a successful ‘career’. And gets hooked to it.
Make sure you bookmark because we will have all the news, the scoop and more on Break Ke Baad!