At the heart of this narrative stands the Maestro and Musical Extraordinaire, the late Roshan Lal Nagrath AKA Roshan Saab, the revered patriarch who laid the foundation of this artistic dynasty. His indelible mark on the industry resonates through his own work and blossoms in the achievements of his descendants — Rakesh Roshan, Rajesh Roshan and Hrithik Roshan — who have each uniquely shaped the landscape of Indian entertainment as directors, creators, musicians and actors.
Industry veteran, Shashi Ranjan has directed and co-produced the docu-series with Rakesh Roshan, featuring candid interviews with industry peers, friends, and colleagues who offer their perspectives on the Roshan legacy.
“We are incredibly excited to partner with Netflix and share previously untold stories that shaped our lives,” said the Roshan family “The platform allows us to reach viewers from across the globe, and it’s an honor to showcase our journey to the audience.”
Director Shashi Ranjan also shared his experience: “Directing this docu-series has been an incredibly rewarding journey. Being invited into the Roshan family’s world and entrusted with their legacy is a privilege I am grateful for. It is an honor to bring their story of creativity, courage, and commitment to the world, and having Netflix house the legendary movie family’s stories was undoubtedly the only way to go.”
Monika Shergill, Vice- President Content, Netflix India added, “We are thrilled to present the story of a family that has touched the hearts of generations of cinema lovers with their timeless melodies and unforgettable tales—’The Roshans’. This heartfelt docu-series takes you on an emotional and nostalgic journey, uncovering the untold story of three generations of this iconic film family. We are deeply honored to share this beautiful and inspiring legacy with the world.”