Title track of Evelyn Sharma and Mimoh Chokraborty’s film ‘Ishqedarriyaan’ now out

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The makers of the upcoming film Ishqedarriyaan starring actors Evelyn Sharma and Mahaakshay aka Mimoh Chokraborty have launched the brand new video of the title track from the film. The song has been composed by Jeet Ganguly, written by Kauser Munir and sung by Ankit Tiwari.

Check out the title track ‘Ishqedarriyaan’!

‘Ishqedarriyaan’ is a romantic film directed by V. K. Prakash, presented by Chariot Films & Metro Studios LLC (Georgia) & produced by Rajesh Banga. The film is set to release on May 15, 2015.

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