Tubelight is produced by Salma Khan & Salman Khan and directed by Kabir Khan. It stars Salman Khan, Sohail Khan and Zhu Zhu. It is co-produced by Amar Butala. The executive producer is Rajan Kapoor, the associate producer is Garima Mehta and music is by Pritam. Tubelight will release in cinemas worldwide on Eid.
Check out this cool and intriguing behind the scenes picture of Salman Khan and director Kabir Khan.
As a bonus and well to tease you more because we know you can’t wait to see this film here are some more interesting behind the camera looks
The heroine of the film Chinese actress Zhu Zhu.
From Salman Khan introducing child star Matin Rey Tangu
And from Kabir Khan’s Insta a wealth of Tubelight happiness!