Veteran actor and director Joy Mukherjee has been admitted to Lilavati hospital in critical condition. He is under the treatment of Dr Prabhu Desai & Dr Barve and has been put on ventilator. Apparently he has not been well for some time and was admitted today at 10:30.
Born on 24th Feb 1939, his first film as hero was Love in Shimla. He has worked in hit films like Shagird, Love in Tokyo, Bahu Beti, Ziddi, Phir Wohi Dil laya Hoon, Ek Musafir Ek Hasina, Puraskar, Ishaara, Hum Hindustani, Chailla Babu and many more. He had turned producer and director for the film Humsaya.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family.