Keen observers have noticed that Bollywood hunk Vivek Oberoi has been missing from the promotions for Kurbaan, which have mostly focused on the sizzling chemistry between real-life and reel-life couple Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. Speculation has run rampant as to why Vivek has not been featured, with some theorizing that Saif and Kareena wanted all the attention on them to others who felt that perhaps Vivek was still too controversial in the filmi community due to his ongoing feuds with Salman Khan and others. Director Rensil d’Silva put all of those rumors to rest saying that Vivek is not featured because his role is too central to the plot to be shown in the trailers.
As Rensil d’Silva told IANS, “It’s a very strange situation. Vivek is one of the central characters. But almost every scene of his is a dead give away of the suspense. What do we do?”
Despite Vivek’s colorful reputation in Bollywood, it seems that he is more than willing to put what is good for a film above his own ego. Continued Rensil d’Silva, “I’ve spoken to Vivek and explained the dilemma. He was cool with not being featured in the promos that much. He said to do whatever is right for the film because when the film opens the truth about the extent of his role will be out.”
And what is Vivek’s role? We can’t say too much but he has had to perfect a New York City accent for it.
Anticipation is certainly riding high for Kurbaan, which releases on November 20th, and Vivek Oberoi will be seen in a solo hero film, Prince – It’s Showtime, in 2010.